To hunt in Belarus, first of all you must be a hunter in your country. You will have to bring your valid national hunting permit with you. For US hunters it can be Hunter Education Certificate, for other hunters, National Hunting License.
If you want to bring in Belarus your own firearms:
European hunters must have European firearms passport.
US hunters should provide a document which proves that the weapon you bring belongs to you - e.g. a receipt or a guarantee card from the store with rifle serial number and your name. Moreover, we will need a copy of a document from authorities confirming that you legally possess firearms, e.g. concealed hand gun license.
If you want to rent firearms in Belarus:
European hunters should present a document confirming they possess firearms with calibers and serial numbers. European firearms passport is not a must if you have a document from local police with the list of hunting arms you possess.
US hunters can provide a copy of Registration of effects to be taken abroad, or any other document which contains your name, your hunting gun model, caliber and serial number. Feel free to contact us to find solution to be able to hunt in Belarus.
Please don't forget about your passport - it should be valid at least 3 months after leaving date.
Travel insurance (not the hunting one!) is obligatory, and it's possible to make it in Belarus upon arrival or beforehand.